23 October 2011 – Kosice and Budapest
After making a small error on how to get onto the bus to Kosice (it pulls up to the side of an unmarked platform). I just went up to the bus that was on break and tried to get on. If the bus driver wouldn't have just yelled at me but motioned I probably wouldn't have caught on but after repeating himself a few times he gave up and let me on....hey I wanted to make sure I wasn't left...specially after the last few days with public transportation.
When I was looking for places to stay in Kosice the cheapest place I could find was 40 euro plus there are only two direct trains a day to Budapest one 6:00 am and one 6:00 pm. Since I knew Kosice would be nice to look around but didn't really need two days I decided to continue on to Budapest tonight.
Also, I had gotten out of my antisocial funk and the hostel I found in Budapest seems like the perfect solution. So I spent the day wandering around Kosice prior to waiting for my train. Kosice is an absolutely adorable city. The town square is looked over by a gothic church (not gothic art so it was pretty) plus some of the fountains were still running which allowed me to imagine how nice a space this would be in the middle of summer.
After wandering for a bit I headed back to the train station to enjoy a sandwich and pastry as I waited for my train. It took me about an hour to realize that there was free wifi at the train station! One more score for Slovakia! Oh and the awesome thing is that the direct train to Budapest only cost 20 euro, one more bonus for today.
Green Bridge - Budapest
Fall in Budapest
Main Synagogue Budapest
Tree of life - budapest
Carl Lutz memorial
Another Synagogue