May 24th - Manchester Park to MacKerricher Park - 43 miles
Today started off sunny and crisp. As I got back to the highway one of the imposing vultures was warming itself on a telephone pole, needless to say it did not reduce my apprehension.
When I reached the highway and turn I was encouraged when I did not feel wind...though it was early so this was not a complete surprise. As I continued along the coast and through forest the weather was still calm. Reaching my "lunch" break two hours into the ride and two thirds the way through my planned day I was excited to have such a wonderful day of riding.
Continuing on to Mendocino I took a couple hours to look through the cute little down and enjoy a delicious...and hot mocha.
Getting back to the road it was STILL calm...I couldn't not believe my luck and it even seemed that there was a tailwind! Of course nothing can be perfect and I got a flat tire in Fort Bragg but even that was entertaining as a man stopped on his bike offering his help. Even after I said I had everything he first I was confused but soon realized he was ensuring I got back up and running prior to him leaving. It was a kind gesture and I appreciated the sentiment as I'm sure he had better places to be.
Continued on an old logging road along the beach to the campsite where I met a couple of bikers and one hiker.
May 25th - MacKerricher Park to Stanley Hickey Park - 43 miles
It was suppose to rain all day today and as such I was debating if I should cycle or take a rest day since the park was very beautiful and I really didn't see much of it the night before. The biggest incentive for heading out into the rain was that I would have a tailwind and had to climb two big hills today.
I was just getting into the idea of not cycling when the sky had the nerve of clearing up on me!
Now I had no reason not to head out into the party sunny, tailwinded day. So I set off. The first 20 miles were similar as the rest of coastal California, beautiful but slightly more so now that the wind was at my back.
The next 23 miles was not as much fun. The beauty was still there but it was harder for me to recognize as I climbed a 2 mile and then 10 mile hill! I realized why knee warmers were so great as I descended each hill. The first descent was great, a truly fun experience that almost made up for the steep ascent.
The second descent was not as rewarding as about 1 mile away from the summit it began a light rain. Just enough rain to strike terror into a cyclist...the type of rain that brings the oil out of the pavement but not enough to wash it away. Luckily the road wasn't too slick and I finished the 4 miles of descent frozen but in one piece.
Between the two hills I also had the interesting experience of riding under a powerline that had a tree fall on it. There was traffic control to allow us through but I still felt the need to pedal as fast as possible.
I would highly recommend the shop across from the campsite as it has a wide variety of almost everything. For being in such an out of the way place it had everything from organic food to guide books (an impressive selection).
May 26th - Standish Hickey to Burlington Campground - 46 miles
The ride today started out tough as my legs were in no mood to cycle. I would've made it a rest day but there were a few creepy transient guys staying at the hike/bike campsite and all the cyclists were leaving so decided to held to the next campground.
Most of the ride followed a pretty blue river and right before Garberville I entered a pretty valley. Once on Avenue of the Giants redwoods lined the roadway and it was a pleasant ride as I was dwarfed by the trees. Also, it was great to see the different wildflowers adding color to the greens and browns with splashes of purple, yellow, and blue.
Made it to camp early enough and with enough energy (after the first 20 miles it was mostly a gentle downhill or flat) do a walk through parts of the forest.
May 27, 2011 - Burlington Campsite to Trinidad - 23 miles
Had a short day of riding today followed by a bus trip. The first 12 or so miles were still through the Avenue of the Giants with the northern section of this roadway even more impressive than the southern section. Riding through a redwood forest after a night rain is a good way to start off the day. The next 6 miles was still off the beaten path and followed a river for a section.
The last 5 miles confirmed my decision to take a bus from Scotia to Trinidad. After the relaxation of the Avenue of the Giants I was flung onto a freeway section of Highway 101. No serenity in this riding.
Since it was raining in the morning I got a later started then I wanted and as such had three hours to kill in Scotia. Luckily the weather had changed and I sat out of the wind basking in the sunshine that had alluded me for the last two days.
Arrived in Trinidad and headed over to a Warmshowers host who had dinner in the oven. We both were feeling pretty low energy so after a nice chat we headed off to bed.
May 28th - Trinidad to Prairie Creek Park/Elk Prairie campsite - 25 miles
Woke up after a wonderful nights sleep refreshed and dry! Then received a breakfast of homemade scones and fresh french press coffee. It felt quite luxurious after the last eight days of cold instant oatmeal and water. She also suggested stopping at the market in Trinidad for food as it had a good selection...I was glad I did.
Looked like the weather might clear up but was sprinkling as I headed out. Followed the coast for the first few miles still hoping that I might see whales as it is migration season...still no luck. Highway 101 welcomed me back as it started to rain. Spent the last 5 miles riding in the rain but just as I was looking for a campsite it started to pour! Good thing I'm quick on setting up the tent.
After a shower and a look around the visit center the weather seemed to stabilize. I went for a two hour walk among the old growth redwoods. The redwood forests just continue to get more impressive! It actually became sunny when I was on my walk as well. Also, the wild elk were relaxing in the field when I got out of the forest.
Later in the night a group of Canadians from Manitoba rolled in. They were a great group and reminded me of my bike friends back in Minneapolis.
May 29th - Elk Prairie Campsite to Mill Creek Campsite - 31 miles
Woke up to a brisk morning with not a cloud in the sky. Started out through the redwood forest I had walked through yesterday and enjoyed the tranquility.
Once I got back on Highway 101 it was nice for a short while prior to the Crescent City hill starting. When the hill started the highway narrow to allow me to fight for space between the cliff and the cars zooming by. I had heard a lot of things about the Legget Hill but hadn't heard too much about this hill. For me this was much worse a hill! Not only did it keep going but the shoulder appeared and disappeared like a Houdini trick and in many places there were two lanes of traffic. Also, this hill was one of those where it has three or for downhills before it climbs again which is always disheartening.
To end the day I rode the 3 miles down a quite steep road to Mill Creek Campsite. There is nothing to put dread into a cyclists heart as when they chose to descend a giant hill and will have to climb it first thing in the morning. As it is the next campground is 40 miles away so the three mile climb is necessary.