Sunday, June 24, 2012

Running? RUNNING???

30 x 30 update - 5 km continuous running

Why would I ever think adding running to my 30 x 30 would be a good idea?  I know in theory it's because I want to be able to complete a duathlon or adventure race but putting this into reality reminds me of many things.  One of these being how much I hate running!!

I have completed two runs now (in two days) and am having a fun time trying to walk around.  In cycling you should stretch but if you don't there are limited consequences.  I forgot that when you don't stretch before running all of a sudden all of your muscles refuse to do any of the basic things you take for granted, such as walking.  I did stretch before my runs but I forgot about a lot of the stretches I used to do prior to running, hence the muscles that now refuse to work.

There are many reasons I hate running.  With the main one being the reason I stopped in the first place, feeling like I was about to vomit.  (I used to run the mile in middle school for our track team.)  I know that this sick feeling is because I'm pushing myself too far to fast but I just can't seem to help it.  When I start running it feels good so I go fast, which means I can only run for about 200 meters at a time before I'm completely out of breath and want to puke.  Which leaves me not feeling good.  Viscous cycle.

I know it would help if I actually went to the trails, instead of running along the road, like I was planning.  At least that way when I started walking I'd have a view.  It just doesn't seem worth it right now as I can only run less than 0.75 miles at a time (walking and running).  I don't want to take the time to head over to the trails just to have to ride back home after 15 minutes.  I'm also scared to push myself too hard too soon especially after feeling the pain my calves are in today.

So I suppose I'll just have to grin and bare it till I get into a routine where hopefully the hate smolders into something less.  Until then I will continue to swear at myself for putting such a stupid thing on my list.

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