Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A new theme

Once again I am back on a mission.  This time it is to discover and rediscover things I like to do.  The problem with meeting all of my big goals in life so far is that I need to create new goals.

I have always had a giant list of items I have wanted to do and am working towards and suddenly I have found myself at a loss.  I had accomplished the big things I had on my list.  I was in a new country, with a job and a "new" life but I was missing the goals to push towards.

This being the case I have decided to jump into things I have always wanted to get better at but never took the time to do.  One of these is writing...hence posting again.  Now is when this blog is going to get interesting.  At this stage my only goal is to write most days (not all of it needs to be on the blog).  The content does not matter, nor does the spelling or grammer.  As this is the goal I have a feeling that you will get a preview into what occurs in my brian.  Which is not organised nor linear.

The mini-goal is to post at least once a week (my goal is to write at least a sentence a day outside of work).

This should be fun.

Other crafts/skills I have started to dust off or begin are singing, pottery and playing the saxophone.  I feel this creative force that has been laying dormant starting to wake.  Like an old lumbering dog it slowing stands and stretches.  I can't wait until it starts to bounce around and wag it's tail.

With singing I've realised that I have so much potential I wasn't aware of.  Not necessarily my skill at singing but just that I can sing.  It made me realise that there are so many things out there that I have placed a self imposed barrier on.

I'm on the search for my next big and small goals.  It's really interesting because I'm really trying to identify the person I want to be now instead of looking at external goals.  Internal goals are much more touchy and hard to identify.  It's easy to point and say your goal is to be a nicer person....but what does that mean?  Is it to never say a mean thing?  Is it something more attainable like saying Good Morning to every coworker at the beginning of the day?  Is it not kicking puppies? (Note: I don't actually kick puppies).  So how will I accomplish these impossible tasks?  I don't know how about you come back and see.

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