Thursday, May 1, 2014

Letting yourself down

I was suppose to be singing tonight.

What I realised is that I am not over my fear yet.  I went out for drinks with friends for my birthday prior to heading to sing with a new friend.  My friends tried to get me to sing prior to going to sing.  That's when I froze, that's when the fear really sunk in.  On the 15 minute ride home the tiny speck of fear warped into a full on terror.

How could I possibly sing now?!  I probably could have overcome this if it wasn't for the fact that I had to drive my manual car, in the dark, to my friends house!!!  Nope, sorry that is in the too hard basket.  For those of you that don't know I am not good at driving a manual car.  I bought it because I have a goal to be able to drive one.  Needless to say I am getting much better but it is still a stressful proposition.

So I let myself down.  But that is how life works.  I have to write these last two sentences because this is a new realisation for me.

My life is so interesting now because I am a pushover at work.  Or that is how people see me.  This is soo against the way I see myself and the way that I have been in the past but I think with all this personal growth I have tired of fighting.  I have grown weary of having to punch through everything.  I don't want to spend my precious energy fighting anymore.  It's hard not to feel disappointed in myself, but at the same time I don't want to fight for things that don't matter anymore.

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