Friday, November 26, 2010

The Longest Pub Crawl...also known as Queen Charlotte Track

71 km of walking in four days

Day 1 - water taxi and 15 km

Mikenna and I took a water taxi to Ship Cove. On the way we passed a pod of dolphins. It was great to see them from far away and then to our delight they came right up to the boat allowing us to get some great pictures and see them jump out of the water.

bottle nosed dolphins

Once we arrived at Ship Cove we had 15 km to the first campsite (Miners Camp). We left our packs with the water taxi to deliver to our campsite, so no extra weight to carry. Since it was sunny and I hadn't seen Mikenna in over a month the majority of the walk went quite fast.

one of the amazing views from the track

About 1 km from the campsite was a resort which the captain unnecessarily mentioned had a bar attached. Since it was prior to when our bags would arrive at the campsite we decided to look at the beer selection. While waiting to order I had an was perfect weather for a nice gin and tonic. Conferring with Mikenna she agreed that this would be quite refreshing. Once we were fully refreshed we continued on our way to the campsite.

Day 2 - 9 km

Today would be the easy day of the tramp with a mere 9 km. Due to the need for our packs to be at the wharf by 9 am we reached our destination by noon. Again devilishly there was a resort near the camping site and since it was on the waterfront with comfy chairs we again endulged in a gin and tonic. It was a pleasent day enjoying the sun and leisure as tomorrow would be a long day.

Mikenna ensuring we close the gate
Day 3 - 25 km

Started the day with a couple of steep uphills. We were going strong through lunch. Seeing the 21 km sign was great; not only because we had walked 51 km but that we had half a km left for the day.

Since it was Thanksgiving we decided to switch it up and have a vodka cranberry as our after tramp drink. This was a well deserved drink and both of us almost fell asleep prior to finishing it.

When we set up the tent we were quite tired after the walk and the forecast did not have rain so we lightly attached the fly. In the "middle of the night" (22:30) Mikenna woke up to the stars above her as she realized the fly was three-quarters of the way off. She scrambled to reattach the fly as I searched for my light and finally gave up and blindly helped stake down the fly. Note to self....wind is also a reason to use your fly.

Day 4 - 21 km

Rough day. I knew it would be a tough day and tried to steel myself to that. My feet and legs are not used to walking long distances and they could feel the strain. Plus being used to going by bike leaves a person feel like you walk forever while not getting anywhere.

The last 7 km were really trying as I needed to sit down and rest my sore feet and have a snack but all of the benches were full. I tried to make it to the campsite 3 km out but could not and to Mikenna's surprise sat down in the middle of the track. The best part was that as soon as I sat down Mikenna said that she could see the campsite...and indeed you could. So I got up after a snack and we continued to a longer break near the beach of the campground.

Our timing was perfect for this day as we got to the end point and had enough time to take off our shoes when the water taxi with our packs arrived. We grabbed our packs and walked to where my bike was stored. This added about a half a km and I was definetly happy to get to there house. It was worth the walk as we got a shower, cup of tea, and a bed waiting for us.

While it was quite trying for me I think I will still be doing more tramping in the future....especially if I can hire a pack. Plus as Mikenna predicted as time elapses you forget about the uncomfortableness and just remember the beauty and fun.

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