Sunday, May 13, 2012


1 March 2012 

Heading from my guesthouse in Bangkok to the Airport Rail link I missed my turn and ended up on a interstate for a short section before I could exit and try for the correct street.

Arriving at the station I was told that my bike could not be taken on the train.  LAME.  So I dumped out my backpack and started disassembling my bicycle.  This is always the part that makes me want to punch Asians.  Now that I am irritated and busy working they sit there and just watch me for 15 minutes.  This seems to always occur I know it's just that they are curious but at the time I just want to be left alone.  Nothing to see here...keep going.  Needless to say I was done with Asia and wanted to get back to the western world.

I had a great time in the parts of Asia I saw but unlike most places I've been I don't have the overwhelming urge to return to them.  I want to make it to all the countries I missed but don't feel the need to revisit the ones I explored unless I'm meeting friends there (hint hint people).

Once Mabel was shoved into her bag I took the lift to the train and made my way to the airport. The plane rides went smoothly and before I knew it I was being greeted in Perth by a sleepy Dane and his father.

Off we headed to the suburbs of Perth where I would have the great pleasure of staying for the next few days.

2 March 2012 - Perth

Today I got up and enjoyed a nice cup of tea with milk.  Then I sat outside and went online where the near silence was a surprise!  Didn't realize how much I missed silence until then.

But the thing I was excited for in getting to Australia did not let me down!  For the first time in almost 4 months I was CLEAN!!  No layer of grime even though I just got out of the shower. No nasty black boogers. No breathing in thick smog.  It was lovely.

I put together Mabel with only a small issue of needing to place the rear derailleur cable into it's stay.  After some manipulating and a little elbow grease she came right and it was smooth sailing from there.

Then met the rest of the family and had a nice friday night of watching a movie prior to heading to bed.

3 March 2012 - Perth

Got up and went into work with Dane as he had a short shift at the aquarium.  It was fun to wander around and of course touch the animals in the touch pool.  I touched a shark!  Sometimes I wonder if I get more excited then the kids.

After Dane was done with work we went for a swim and jumped off the jetty.  It seems that this is the base of our friendship since we did the same in Croatia.

Dane's cousin had her engagement party that night so I got to go to his family gathering.  It was fun to go to someone's family outing where I had no invested interest.  Good times were had.

4 March 2012 - Perth

Today I finally made it into the city.  I found out that the Perth bike polo practiced on Sunday's so I went in to meet up with some (hopefully) like minded people.  Of course I was not disappointed and the group was great.

The funny thing was there was a girl in a dress there and they said "She's great, can't you tell".  I believed them but soon realized that because she was wearing a dress I was to assume she didn't ride bikes....hmm...haven't met my friends...and kinda wish I would've work the dress I was going to.

Anyway, the guys were great and let me play a few games while giving me tips.  I'm quite timid and need to use my brake A LOT more but I can see why so many people love the game.  Plus I really need to improve my bike skills so when I find a home I will for sure be building up a polo bike.

Talking about building up a polo bike, one of the guys just put a White Industry chrome crankset on his. WHAT?!? Why put something so nice on?  Still don't get that...or the Ti brakes that were on the bike I was using but each to their own on bike builds.

And this last paragraph was when I realized I truly truly have a bike problem!

5 March 2012 - Woodvale (Perth)

Today Dane was at Uni and it happened to be horribly hot so I changed my plans from biking the 20 km into town to heading to the local beach.  It was a nice leisurely bike ride and I soon found the bike path that joined multiple beaches together.  I went and spent a bit of time in the water and reading prior to being frightened of burning and riding back home.

6 March 2012 - Perth

Today I went into Perth in the morning with Dane where we had a coffee prior to him heading to class.  I then spent the day exploring the city (as polo day was mostly just polo).  Needless to say I spent most of the day in Kings Park overlooking the city and enjoying multiple different locations.

Once I got hungry I headed around town to find a cute little place and explore.  After food I headed along the river until I happened across another park like area and sat in the shade next to the river.  Soon a dolphin was seen and I pretty much thought it was an awesome day.

But we weren't finished yet Dane and I met up for a Kangaroo burger (yep you can eat the national symbol).  Then headed out to Fremantle to see the city and stop at the raved about Little Creatures.  Had a good hoppy beer but don't know what it was called as I first tried the "Bright Ale" (golden ale) and didn't like it so the bartender gave me this one.

We then headed to a different bar where one of Dane's best friends was working and I had an IPA and and Imperial Stout by Moo Brewery.  Both were very good.

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