Thursday, May 24, 2012

30 by 30

Pretty self explanatory.  Need to cross everything off by my birthday next year.  Wish me luck.

Here is the final list.  Half way through the year I changed my view on what was important and as such didn't make it through my list.  On the other hand I did a few things not on the list that I think are more important.  Also, I originally dismissed how difficult the transition to making a home in a new country is (versus visiting/travelling).
  1. Get an engineering job in NZ Okay it's not technically engineering but in a related field
  2. Take a dance class - Update: Took a Ceroc course, need to do another
  3. Run at least 5 km at one time
  4. Enter a duathlon or long distance event Totally cheated here...entered the event but didn't go
  5. Go to a rugby game Completed 19/5
  6. Have a century day (100 mile bike ride)
  7. Learn to drive a manual car ( I drove Darryl's type 3 VW car 10 km...calling that a win)
  8. Write down one thing I'm grateful for a day
  9. Floss weekly - was really good for 4 months then not so good
  10. Make a home brew
  11. Learn how to make a good latte Still working on this, but it's drinkable
  12. Learn basics in spanish -nope try again later
  13. Make a dress - Update: 2013 finished one dress and 90% down with two additional ones
  14. Complete a knitting project other than a scarf (or other rectangle or square) - made some mustache things
  15. Build a bike up from a frame - mabel is at the painters...this will happen shortly
  16. Try sailing - not gonna make it....will keep it on to do list
  17. Try rock climbing outside - (Update:  I did do this in 2013!!)
  18. Make 3 different types of cheese - (Update: 2013 Made mozzarella, ricotta, and creme fraiche)
  19. Start pilates - (Update: 2013 completed. Need to sign up for more!)
  20. Write a short story
  21. Volunteer at least 12 hr for a good cause
  22. Learn to cook one new thing a month
  23. Collect some sort of shellfish direct from the ocean
  24. Write and SEND one card/letter a month
  25. Read 12 nonfiction book including recipe, crafting, design, architecture, selfhelp, biographies
  26. Walk/run the Tongario crossing (giving myself a by as part of the crossing is closed due to volcanic eruption, yes an excuse but valid I think)
  27. Attend a art/music class - calling sewing art UPDATE: took a singing course
  28. Milk a cow
  29. Abstain from alcohol for 30 days - My alcohol intake is about 2 drinks a week which I figured was close enough that I didn't bother
  30. Learn to surf -This one is the only one I'm quite annoyed at myself for not completing

    Other random goals/accomplishments I didn't have on my list but completed:

    1a) Left a horrible job before it left me jaded
    2a) Did 800 km detour on a roadtrip that resulted in an unforgettable weekend
    3a) Set up a home in a new country
    4a) Acknowledge I have feelings and trying to use them productively
    5a) Received residency in a new country
    6a) started playing bike polo
    7a) Walked through a stream that was also a cave
    8a) cycled the otago rail trail
    9a) survived a second broken arm

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